Sunday, 29 November 2015

3 Money Mistakes That Could Cost You Millions

The great investor, Warren Buffet said, “Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.” And this seems to be the number one reason why the many Malaysians are unable to climb up the social ladder.
Our research reveals that the average Malaysian lose about 1.5 million during their lifetime. This staggering loss can be traced back to the bad money decisions and unnecessary mistakes made by the majority of Malaysians with their hard-earned money.
These are some of the common reasons why your income just never seems to be enough:

The truth is, the seeds of this financial disaster are planted years before their outcome. People have the tendency to make unnecessary mistakes (either taking too much risk or doing nothing to grow their wealth) which derail them from their rightful financial destiny. The mistakes often seem small and negligible, and may not even look like mistakes at the time. Hence, many do not even realise that they’re making mistakes and would erroneously continue down this path.
Here are three of the most common mistakes being made by the average Malaysians:

Mistake #1: Not optimising the returns on savings

Malaysians love fixed deposits. Most of us will use these as our de facto ‘investment’ tool but is it the right way to think? Putting RM1,000 every month (RM240,000 total investment) in a fixed deposit (FD) account for 20 years, at an average of 3% interest per annum, will net you a total return of RM329,122.75.
However, if you had invested the same amount at an average rate of return of 8% (which is realistically obtainable through various investment options like unit trusts, share trading or even with ASB) per annum, you would get RM592,947.22.
In retrospect, keeping the money in FD would have caused you to lose RM263,824.47.The outcome is even worse for those who leave their money to languish in a savings account, which only sees a 1% to 2% per annum.

Mistake #2: Paying too much on insurance premiums

It’s undeniable, life insurance protection is important, especially when you have financial dependents.
Consider these two life insurance products for a 35-year-old: term insurance for RM500,000 will cost RM1,625 per annum, whereas a whole life policy will cost RM14,225 per annum. Which should he get?
If you buy term insurance instead of a whole life policy, you will be saving RM12,600 per annum, which can be used for other investments. At an 8% return on your investment over 20 years, you will gain RM576,600!
However, by spending that amount on a whole life policy, assuming you receive the entire premium paid (RM14,225 x 20 years), you will only get RM284,500 at the end of the day. That’s a whopping RM292,100 loss!

Mistake #3: Failing to increase savings when income rises

Good money management involves increasing one’s income over time. However, it will only improve your personal finances when your savings increases in tandem with your income.
However, the depressing truth is, when an employee gets a raise, he would spend the additional money on a better lifestyle (generally known as lifestyle inflation). He or she may upgrade his/her car to a better one, get a designer handbag or the latest mobile phone or enjoy a luxurious holiday. All these lifestyle upgrades cost money up front and to maintain, and as a result, savings will be sacrificed. Instead of saving, the average person will spend the extra income.
In comparison, a person who knows how to optimise his wealth, would maintain his current lifestyle and even has increased savings instead. Assuming that he invests RM1,000 per month at an average rate of return of 8% per annum  and increase his saving by 5% every year over 20 years , he or she would be RM863,457 richer.
It is important to note that none of the ‘mistakes’ mentioned above are in itself disastrous. However, their combined and compounding effect has an irreversible damaging consequence to a person’s net worth or wealth, and eventually robbing him/her of achieving financial freedom, giving the illusion that he/she’ll never make enough money.
Every single mistake, whether big or small, will have an impact on your finances when we look at it over a lifespan. So, do yourself a big favour and scrutinise every financial decision you’ve ever made and will make. Not everyone can afford to lose about RM1.5 million in their lifetime, especially not you.

Sunday, 19 July 2015

特别的方法改Transaction的Tax Code

UBS的用户一定要收藏这个,这是一个特别的方法改Transaction的Tax Code。什么时候要改?最常见的情况有2个:
1)你在Billing开CN / DN / Purchase Return时候放错 AJP AJS这样的Tax Code,导致你的 5a 5b, 6a 6b 不 tally,你必须改回去 SR / TX。
2)系统出错,你posting过后才在accounting,GST Report发现竟然有ZR, PTAX, TX-E33, TX7之类不是马来西亚tax code出现。
由于Posting过去Accounting的transaction是被lock着不能Edit了,要修改Tax Code必须用这个方法:


Thursday, 16 July 2015

用晓书版的 Excel GST Report 还有另一个玩法是 Pivot Table。

用晓书版的 Excel GST Report 还有另一个玩法是 Pivot Table。跟着这几步,做一份 GST Summary
这些是为下个星期temerloh 的class做的一部分。

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

ubs内set错了as 3 month

有个用户的公司的first filing是在4月,接着才每3个月的,结果她在ubs内set错了as 3 month,然后在5月的时候在ubs gst-03内按了submit,结果一次过把 1/4 - 30/6 之间的lock死了,就算回去改 next filing date也不能在ubs 内重新generate gst-03给 5月和6月。
## 首先你必须backup你原本的资料...
## 然后你必须知道你公司的data放在什么位置,如果有主机就去主机那边做。

图1)必须把ubs accounting都关了先。然后去你的ubsacc2015\company_folder,找出gstreturn.dbf,把它改名去 gstreturn2.dbf
图2)重新开回ubs accounting,会提示叫你upgrade data file,按ok
图3)回去看你的gst return listing,就空了。
tax period = 1 month
effective date = 1/4/2015
next filing date = 1/5/2015
tax period = 3 month
effective date = 1/4/2015
next filing date = 1/8/2015


Tuesday, 30 June 2015

緊急,快去Scan Batch (看圖),看看你們有沒有什麼transaction混到其他batch去。

緊急,快去Scan Batch (看圖),看看你們有沒有什麼transaction混到其他batch去。
看圖2,一個batch 內有 Period (2,3)的transaction,突然又有 Period (2,7)在一個batch內。更可怕的是還有某個batch內有20個zero amount transaction 。。
快去做一次scan,print screen你的情況上來。

把這個batch 72 export出來,看有什麼trans no不見嗎?用我做的那個excel gst checking report來檢查


是呀,都有amount 就別理他

但是我還是建議你用print batch of transaction那邊,export 去excel,看是不是都對

Any suggestion? Should I remove to the right batch?
破解了。。如果transaction Missing但是确定DR CR对了,可以back up your data. Go to Accounting module > Housekeeping > File organisation > Mark all Ok .
From Accounting module>Housekeeping > Upgrade data files ok .

Thursday, 25 June 2015

晓书&Yong See kuan

WAO......第一张是晓书做的excel report (for accounting), 第2张是 Yong See kuan 做的excel report (for billing), 两个一起用,双剑合璧, gheng......省时省力。。。。用晓书的accounting excel report 来check ysk 的billing excel report 看posting 有没有post漏,post错数目。。。。。直接filter, 然后total up,加减DISC, CN,DN, 就可以对total 了。。。。i like it.....thanks to 晓书 & Yong See Kuan
P/S : 我GST REPORT 有问题,所以我没用REPORT来对GST-03,别问我为什么我的REPORT有问题,我很肯定不是我自己问题。。。。你懂的

【update了新玩法,2015-06-20 11PM】
下载了我的Excel Report,放去company folder,
1) Transaction - Print Batch Of Transaction
2) Select你要checking的Batch,then OK
3)Click Excel
4) 选择 Input Tax (GST 数据只读取4800/010) Output (GST 数据只读取4800/020)
5) Highlight 那个title column,去看Filter
接下来这个Report 很多玩法,先简单的说明
玩法 (1)
去Tax Code,只选择Filter = SR and DS (假设你有做到DS)
现在你就有了所有的Transaction 关系到 5A and 5B 了
Credit Total 减 Debit Total = 5A
Cr GST Total 减 Cr GST Total = 5B
如果你是做Input Tax checking,那么就Export Input Tax的那个
然后去Tax Code,只选择Filter = TX,TX-E43, TX-N43, TX-RE, IM
现在你就有了所有的Transaction 关系到 6A and 6B 了
debit Total 减 credit Total = 6A
debit GST Total 减 credit GST Total = 6B
然后,那些 ES , ES43, ZRL, ZRE,各自你能filter这些tax code出来,拿出total amount填去GST 03
你要知道会不会有bank, cash, creditor, debtor不小心放到tax code?filter这些的GL acc,然后看tax code格子有没有东西。发现有进错,马上回去batch内改
要检查什么transaction忘记tax code,选择filter blank
要检查什么 amount 不tally 6%,自己 formula 查 taxable * 6% 是不是input output 数目
玩法 (6)
要检查什么资料没key in到GST detail,先filter 4800/010 or 4800/020,然后去看GST Detail有没数据,没得话多数你是没填到,回去再补填
今天还有人Request,所以我也做了Export Debtor / Creditor Listing with GST ID and TAX Code
Debtor Listing with GST ID and Tax Code (Menu - Debtor - Debtor Listing)
Creditor Listing with GST ID and Tax Code (Menu - Creditor - Creditor Listing)

【新版本 发布:2015-06-23 2:00PM】
这个是我写的Excel Export Tool,Version 15.06.23,这是下载的Dropbox link:
下载这2个file,copy paste去你的公司名的folder内,位置是(记得别选错 stk的位置):
replace掉原本的 excel.dbf and excel.fpt
GST Report Checking Tool (Menu - Transaction - Print Batch Of Transaction)
* 2015-06-22 加入 Trade Creditor GST ID and Trade Debtor GST ID
Debtor Listing with GST ID and Tax Code (Menu - Debtor - Debtor Listing)
Creditor Listing with GST ID and Tax Code (Menu - Creditor - Creditor Listing)
Print Ledger with in Lampiran 2 格式 for 4800/020 only (Report - View Ledger)
然后还有其他的excel report可能你看到有写testing的可以去玩玩,我没空写完整的,有空才改进。